
Economics as a Multi-Paradigmatic Science. In Honour of Kurt W. Rothschild (1914-2010)

Date: 1st and 2nd December, 2011

Location: Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna)

Sponsoring: Arbeiterkammer Wien (AK Wien), Bundeskanzleramt (BKA), Bundesministerium für Finanzen (BMF), Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU), Johannes-Keppler-Universität Linz (JKU), Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut (WIFO), Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO)


Publication of the converence

Altzinger, Wilfried and Guger, Alois and Mooslechner, Peter and Nowotny, Ewald, eds. (2014) Economics as a Multi-Paradigmatic Science. In Honour of Kurt W. Rothschild (1914-2010). Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Wien. Link


Thursday, December 1st, 2011

Personal Tribute (18:00 – 20:00)

Wilfried Altzinger, University of Economics, Vienna
Opening of the Conference 

Ewald Nowotny, Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Kurt Rothschild – Some Personal Remarks and Memories

John E. King, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Remembering Kurt W. Rothschild


Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Kurt W. Rothschild at the International Stage / Part 1 (9:00 – 11:00)

Amit Bhaduri, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Unemployment and Distribution of Income
Discussant: Markus Marterbauer

Josef Falkinger, University of Zurich
Em”powering Economics”: Some Thoughts on policy and financial markets
Discussant: Peter Rosner

Chair: Alois Guger 


Kurt W. Rothschild – His Influence on Economic Research, Economic Teaching and Economic Policy in Austria (11:30 – 13:30)

Die Bedeutung Kurt W. Rothschilds für die ökonomische Forschung und die Wirtschaftspolitik Österreichs

Karl Aiginger (WIFO), Johann Brunner (JKU Linz), Günther Chaloupek (AK), Christoph Leitl (WKO), Peter Mooslechner (OeNB), Herbert Walther (WU Wien)

Moderation: Wilfried Altzinger (WU Wien)


Kurt W. Rothschild at the International Stage / Part II (14:30-17:30)

Heinz D. Kurz, University of Graz
Heterodox Economics in Austria: The Case of Kurt W. Rothschild
Discussant: Ingrid Kubin

Harry Bloch, Curtin University of Technology and Mita Bhattacharya, Monash University
Price Theory and Oligopoly
Discussant: Michael Landesmann 

Jürgen Kromphardt, Berlin
Labour Market Theory, Wage and Price Dynamics, Theory of Growth
Discussant: Gunther Tichy

Chair: Helmut Kramer


Film about Kurt W. Rothschild’s Life (18:00 – 18:45)